
What a hacker! No one knows how he does it except for him himself. He turned big and green one again with the famous Hacked Jb wallpaper. What are we going to do?!?!?

Fun or Annyoing?
Hey everyone so I'm sure you all know about sham wooz, those things that have been popping up that you need to click on. The recent debate is, is shamwooz spellz fun to click on or annoying when they get in your way! Comment below what you think. I'll also put up a poll.

Ze Chic Problem
            Yes I know, every blog is doing it but if you havent heard, Ze Chic Had just opened with new wooz wood outfits, but, one of the mannis was accidently locked! Hopefully woozworld will fix it. I believe it's the male geek outfit.

Ze Chic Problem Continues
     Now On the manni theres no clothing at all. Whats happening! They better fix it!

Hey Everyone, if you havent already heard, ZOMBIE LEGS! GONE! As you can see on top you see a peaceful day in ChuckNorris Black Market, but all day today! NO ZOMBIE LEGS! Will zombie legs no longer be sold? There not tranferrable ( hes a member of woozworld staff so he can sell anything ) Ill tell you when there back in, they cost 250 wooz if anyone wants to know :) Ty Ginger CC:

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