Questions and Answers

FAQ ( frequently asked questions ) - Question - Do those, copy this on the animators page and you get 100,000 work? Answer - For you guys, I try to find the truth, I tried out many, and I can honestly say they dont work. They might've used to work. But now, nope. Dont wate ur time copy and pasting them. Question - How do I know if someone is a mod or not? Answer - Many people lie about being a mod, you can actually get reported. All mods talk in either orange or green. And have a + in front of their name. They can teleport like the animators. I asked Max.

FAQ (frequently asked question ) - Question - When will they get rid of preztige and bring back old woozworld?!?!?! Answer - Jay, Jenny, Mya, and Max, Have all said countless times - "Preztige is here to stay, we don't move backwards only fowards." Question - How come they made soem clothing only for V.I.P's? Now I can't buy anything! Answer - In shopz there only for V.I.P's but when it's on a manni, no rules apply, so ask a V.I.P friend to buy it then put it on a manni for same price :)


  1. My qeustion: How old are you and CAN WE BE SISTERS ON WOOZWORLD?

    1. Im 11 going in to middle school. And Can we be sisters, meet with me on woozworld to discuss that.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
