
Remember to sign up for the facebook contest if you have a facebook! If you have a Facebook account, come LIKE us! We’re having a cool giveaway when we hit 50,000 fans! Everyone will get a free virtual t-shirt, 25 randomly picked Woozens will get a trophy and 1 lucky Woozen will get to pick their favorite Woozband member to spend half an hour with them in their unitz! Awwwweesome! I hope you pick me to hang out with you LOL Good luck everyone!

400 keys! GONE! Just like that, POOF! Keys to what you ask? Latinlover00's wedding! Its saturday the 15, at 6 pm ww time! September! 2012! Woop! Also what to wear? Light pink and white! Thtas wat he said! easy for me I only wear those colors lol! Bye guys! Ty ;) Ginger - its about a week later since then now lol im adding on to it, the event was great except for if you saw on the home page about the huge hack :P lol there was lot's of performances! If you came hope you had lot's of fun! :)

   Heard about the show? What show you ask? The "Wonder Girl Show!" Im going to go watch it xD It's hosted and managed by the spectacular, "1SwaggerChick00" I will be looking foward to the event - Friday, 5 pm woozworld time at 1swaggerchick00's unit called - lol still un-determined ill put a comment of the plc lol. xDDD Bye for now! ginger1752 ;)

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