Sunday, August 5, 2012

Who Am I?

I am Woozen just like you guys, I have been a member since about 5 months ago. Although I had an old account from like 4 years ago. My account now is Ginger1752. Feel free to add me. XD I came up with my username because I think the word Ginger is cute then I tried to make it Ginger17. 17 For my birthday but it was taken and then it suggested ginger1752. So I just took that name. So thats basically all you need to know about me for now, of course as I create more posts you will get to know more about me. Thnx! ;)


  1. U are an awsome girl :D i hav never met someone as special and nice as u,thats why i qualify u as one of my BFF's....even if u are a little younger then me X) but i want u to keep doing wut ur doing and never give up on ur dreams :D luv ya bunches girl! U are and awsome chic that needs to follow her dreams and reach for the stars :) BTW luv ur blog!!! :D

    1. haha lol .. My woozen is Cutie99011 ... I saw this website from ur adoption center XD
